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What fencing is best for my property?

At S Beech Timbers we offer a great range of options for people and businesses needing fences for great many different kinds of gardens. From the smallest front garden, to the largest beer garden, we can help you choose the best possible fence for your home or business. One of the many questions we get asked of course, is "What kind of fence is best for my property?"

Fences for privacy

Quite often, when we work in gardens that are in built up areas, we find that people tend to enjoy our larger range of fences, such as the Vertilap Fence, or the Supalap Fence.

Either of these choices can provide ample privacy while being unobtrusive to neighbours and the surrounding area.

What’s more, due to their substantial height, they are great security barriers against the outside world.

If you’re a business looking to protect your assets, these are two options that we have found to be very popular for companies in and around the Barnsley area.

Fences as a friendly barrier

Of course, large fences aren’t the only option that we offer.

If you’re on friendly terms with your neighbours, we often find people looking for fences that are only waist or shoulder height.

For those searching for a friendly barrier marking for their property, our Single Sided Gap Fence, or our Single Sided 2" Gap Fence are both great options.

A fence to help sell the home

Usually we work with homeowners that are looking to landscape their garden, or simply replace their old fence.

Of course however, we also work with people that are wanting to sell a property and they come to us for advice about improving their garden.

If you’re looking to sell your home or property sometime soon, we totally advise buying a new fence so that you can get the best possible price.

According to one survey carried out in the UK, a messy garden, or one with broken fences or walls, can severely devalue the price of a property.

If you’re looking to buy a fence to sell your home, we advise considering how it would look in your garden, and whether or not it could give a positive or negative impression of your relationship with the neighbours.

The same survey found that up to one in four people would be put off buying a home if the previous occupier did not have good relations with their neighbours.

A fence for the new year

Whether you’re planning on a new fence, patio, or new decking, December is the best time to start plotting your next move for your garden.

If you’re unsure about where to start for the new year, this wonderful month-by-month guide by The Telegraph offers some great insights for what you can do in and around the garden ready for 2019.

If you’re not sure what kind of fence would be best for your garden, call us on 01226 740 369 or check out our contact page to see if we can help.

A Fencing Example from S Beech Timbers in Barnsley

Did you know that...

We Offer a Professional Fitting Service

As well as providing quality timber and fencing products, we also offer an experienced fitting team to carry out the project.

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